Blog and News from Walk for Life West Coast
Keep up to date on the most recent ongoings relating to Walk for Life and the pro-life cause here. Check back often for new posts or subscribe to automatically receive new posts by email!

Catholic News Agency Covers the Walk!
“Abortion hurts women, we love babies, and women deserve better than abortion,” Eva Muntean, co-chair of the Walk for Life West Coast, told CNA. Read

萬餘加州人匯聚舊金山 為捍衛生命遊行 Epoch Times Covers the Walk!
Epoch Times at the Walk for Life West Coast. In Chinese, great photos! 萬餘加州人匯聚舊金山 為捍衛生命遊行 萬餘加州人聚集在舊金山,參加一年一度的「生命之行」(Walk for Life)遊行。(周鳳臨/大紀元) 人氣: 225 大 小 正|简 【大紀元記者路小玉舊金山採訪報導】2025年1月25日(週六),一萬多名加州人聚集在舊金山,參加一年一度的「生命之行」(Walk for Life)遊行,以保護女性、捍衛生命的立場反對墮胎,傳遞對生命的珍視。

Catholic San Francisco Covers the Walk
Tens of thousands of pro-lifers rally in 21st annual Walk for Life West Coast “Don’t let the enemy derail you.” -Ryan Bomberger, Walk for

Your Signs at the Walk!
Check these out–some you made, others with a familiar but still urgent message!

Faces in the Crowd 2025!
Our Walk for Life West Coast Media team member Jamil Dababneh was out and about and got great photos of YOU! Free to use, but

SFPD at the Walk!
We LOVE our San Francisco Police Department. And as you can see, they appreciate your good behavior! All photos please credit Jamil Dababneh/Walk for Life