Watch President Trump’s Video Address to March for Life!
Check it out! Vice-President and Mrs. Pence lead the segment off, and President Trump comes on at about 9:15. Bless them all! #walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC
WOW! Absolute Homerun Address to March for Life from President Trump!
Wow! President Donald Trump just gave a surprise address by video to the March for Life in Washington, DC! A total pro-life homerun! We will post text or video as soon as it is available. Thank you, Mr. President! #walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC
Our Big Sister Marches TODAY!!
Today, for the 46th time, pro-lifers from all over the country will gather in Washington, DC, for the 46th Annual March for Life–the Walk for Life West Coast’s big sister! Right now, the Sidewalk Prophets are performing, and the schedule is as follows (all times EST): 12:00 p.m. Rally Program 1:00 p.m. March up Constitution […]
Way to Go, Lima! Wow! walkforlifewc#
Check this out! Our pro-life brothers and sisters in Lima, Peru (estimate 800,000!!) marching for the least among us! And they were joined by others throughout Latin America! ACI Prensa (via Catholic News Agency) has the story: Lima, Peru, May 7, 2018 / 03:32 pm (ACI Prensa).- Huge crowds across Latin America took to the […]
为生命奔走5万人旧金山反堕胎游行 #walkforlifewc
Walk for Life West Coast on NTDTV! Nice story and video from New Tang Dynasty TV! Our Asian-American pro-lifers, including old friend of the Walk Frank Lee, are interviewed. Article begins (English translation available): 【新唐人2018年01月30日讯】刚过去的周末(1月27日),5万多名来自加州各地的民众,聚集到旧金山 ,举行第14届〝 为生命奔走 〞(Walk for Life)集会游行活动,呼吁人们尊重生命,反对堕胎