The Walk for Life West Coast lost a longtime ally and friend with the passing of Chastidy Ronan, who did so much for so many mothers and families at San Francisco’s Alpha Pregnancy Center. We were honored to be able to present Chastidy with the St. Gianna Molla award for Pro-Life Heroism award at last year’s Walk. There will be a celebration of Chastidy’s life at Dolores Park Church this Saturday, for those who would like to remember this wonderful wife, mother, and Christian. Here are the details, from Chastidy’s husband Matthew:

Chastidy’s Celebration of Life — Saturday, September 28th
What: Visitation, Celebration of Life Service, and light refreshments celebrating the life of Chastidy Ronan. During the service, there will be music, an open mic time for sharing 2-3 minute stories about Chastidy, and her Dad will speak.
When: Saturday, September 28th
–Visitation/receiving line at 3pm
–Service at 4pm
–Light refreshments after service
Where: Dolores Park Church
455 Dolores Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Parking available across the street at Mission High parking lot
*Chastidy requested that everyone wear light blue and white
*In lieu of flowers, please consider contributing to Catica’s college fund, either through Paypal at or check payable to Catica Ronan, 77 Dorland St, San Francisco, CA 94110