On Saturday, January 21, Fr. Francisco Nahoe, joined by Fr. Matthew McNeely and Fr. Michael Stinson, of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, celebrated a special Tridentine High Mass at the Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi in San Francisco. From Fr. Francisco’s homily:
“Whether or not you participated in the West Coast Walk for Life today, but especially if you did, you are doubtless aware that not everyone in America shares the conviction of Catholics that a human zygote or a human embryo or a human fetus is a human being. Consequently, not everyone recognizes that abortion is, in fact, violence against human life. Nonetheless, it is one thing to affirm this truth in the context of church preaching and quite another thing to announce it in the face of vitriolic and often irrational opposition on the streets.
In order to proclaim the truth fearlessly, with the faith and conviction, for example, of the centurion in tonight’s Gospel, we must be deeply rooted in the One who, stretching forth His hand upon us, as once He reached out to the leper, wills that our lives be cleansed and transformed. To be rooted in Him, is, in this sense, to accept sanctuary in Christ, which is a comprehensive state characterized most prominently by total commitment to truth and goodness….”
Read the whole homily, which includes a lovely reflection on the place accorded to silence in the Traditional mass.