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The staff of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption prepares for a full house.
The weather was variable all day–here sunlight pours through one of the Cathedral’s windows.
Of course the Sisters of Life were there.
The Bishops of the Church of God enter.
The people of God being led by their Shepherds. Seven Bishops in this picure, not counting His Excellency Archbishop George Niederauer! Left to right Bishop Daniel Walsh of Santa Rosa, Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento, Bishop Rutilio Del Riego of San Bernardino, Bishop Emeritus Ignatius Wang of San Francisco, Bishop Luong of Orange, and Bishop Bill Justice of San Francisco.
The people of God at Mass.
The present and future of the Church.
Our young people.
God Bless them!
His Excellency celebrates the Mass.