Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

More Photos from Around the Web

Michael Franzwa has posted some nice pictures of the Walk for Life West Coast,including this one of good Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento: Judging from the other photos, looks like they are from St. Maria Goretti parish. If anyone can identify the priest and lady with His Excellency, please post in the comments. UPDATE: I […]

St. Margaret Mary Parish at the Walk for Life

Good Father Moreau, of the Institute of Christ the King, leads the flock fromSt. Margaret Mary in Oakland at the Walk for Life. They celebrate a beautiful Traditional Latin Mass at St. Margaret Mary. Parish young people were there. This gentleman is always at the Walk, singing, playing music, and radiating joy.We have another picture […]

Sacrifice at the Walk for Life: “Their Goal was Humiliation”

A new and interesting take from Louisa at Catholic Phoenix on her experience at this year’s Walk for Life West Coast:“You may know the expression ‘looking evil in the face.’ I never quite understood it . . . until I had people screaming in my face. ‘Have you even read a science book before? Do […]


St. Mary’s High School of Phoenix visits San Francisco and attends the Walk for Life.The good Marianist Brothers at Riordan High School opened their doors to them. Here’s a nice video, with lots of good footage of the city, too: