Blog Articles
All “blog” articles are now found on the “News Articles” page
Life Training Institute (recap, photos)
New Feminism Great photos!
Quartermaster of the Barque “We are on a slow inexorable march to end this holocaust”
Sacerdotes por la Vida en Español
Students for Life (great recap of the Walk)
Thomas Aquinas College Great photo slideshow!
A Shepherd’s Voice “Fr. Malloy Run For Life”
A Shepherd’s Voice 2 “Design-a-Shirt Contest”
Fr. Joseph Illo’s blog: Homily on the Sunday before the Walk
A Shepherd’s Voice (2014 video)
A Shepherd’s Voice (SF Supervisors and banners)
Cooperator-Veritatis (Italy!)
Culture of Life Africa (Africa!)
Daily Kos (banners controversy)
East Side Hunky (banners controversy)
Jammie Wearing Fool (banners controversy)
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Oakland Diocese (youth events)
Rorate Caeli (Walk for Life Traditional Latin Mass)
SFist (banners controversy)
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
The Federalist Papers (banners controversy)
The Minority Report (banners controversy)
Weasel Zippers (banners controversy)
Western Journalism (banners controversy)
Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word
Happy Catholic (photos)
National Organization for Marriage (Archbishop Cordileone, Bishop Barber)
A Shepherd’s Voice (aerial view)
A Shepherd’s Voice (media bias)
Bishop Blaire, Diocese of Stockton
Badger Catholic (nice photos!)
Catholic Stand (funny post about media bias)
CitizenLink (media bias)
Family at the Foot of the Cross (nice photos!)
Happy Catholic (nice photos!)
Hidden in Jesus (nice photos)
JOYFilled Family (nice photos!) (Chaldean Catholic Church)
Les Femmes the Truth (media bias)
Nunspeak (nice photos)
St. Clement Church Facebook Photos
St. Francis Salesian High School
Spikenard (Silent No More testimony)
To Restore All Things in Christ
Veritatem facientes in caritate (nice photos!)
This is NOT a Job For Superheroes (Upcoming Walk for Life)
Is Anybody There? (Upcoming Walk for Life)
Catholic Answers (Walk for Life Traditional Latin Mass)
Sacred Monkeys of the Vatican (Upcoming Walk for Life)
Secular Pro-Life (Upcoming Walk for Life)
Sisters of the Gospel of Life, Scotland (Upcoming Walk for Life)
Catholic and Enjoying It! (Papal Nuncio)
Insight Scoop (Papal Nuncio)
A Shepherd’s Voice (Upcoming Walk for Life)
Sasale Community, Solomon Islands (Upcoming Walk for Life)
Sf Newsfeed (Jennifer O’Neill)
A Shepherd’s Voice (Walk for Life Speakers)
Patheos Public Catholic (Jennifer O’Neill)
Catholic Professional and Business Club of Modesto (Upcoming Walk for Life)
California Right to Life Advocates
Family at the Foot of the Cross
In Our Notorious World (video)
Life of a Contemplative Apostle
The Mendoza Family Blog (Photos)
Veritatem facientes in caritate
Debbie’s Roman Catholic Faith Blog
Illinois Federation for the Right to Life
Romania Evalgelica (In Romania!)
Veritatem Facientes in Caritate
Zombie at Pajamas Media (some vulgar images)