Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Blog Articles

All “blog” articles are now found on the “News Articles” page



Bishop Barber’s blog

Catholic Stand

Chaldean Youth

Da Tech Guy

Life Training Institute  (recap, photos)

New Feminism Great photos!

Paperclips and Pencils

Quartermaster of the Barque “We are on a slow inexorable march to end this holocaust”

Sacerdotes por la Vida en Español

St. Dominic’s Church, Benicia

Students for Life (great recap of the Walk)

Thomas Aquinas College Great photo slideshow!


A Shepherd’s Voice “Fr. Malloy Run For Life”

A Shepherd’s Voice 2  “Design-a-Shirt Contest”

Catholic Mom

Fr. Joseph Illo’s blog: Homily on the Sunday before the Walk


Quartermaster of the Barque

Veritas Sacramento



A Shepherd’s Voice

A Shepherd’s Voice (2014 video)

A Shepherd’s Voice (SF Supervisors and banners)

Catholic Stand

Cooperator-Veritatis (Italy!)

Culture of Life Africa (Africa!)

Daily Kos (banners controversy)

Dominican Contemplative Nuns

Dominican Western Province

East Side Hunky (banners controversy)

Father Z

Feminists for Life

Ignatius Insight

Jammie Wearing Fool (banners controversy)

KBVM Radio

Kollman Catholic Digest

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Napa Valley Culture of Life

National Catholic Register

Oakland Diocese (youth events)

Rorate Caeli (Walk for Life Traditional Latin Mass)

Secular Pro-Life

Secular Pro-Life Perspectives

SF Citizen

SFist (banners controversy)

Students for Life of America

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

The Federalist Papers (banners controversy)

The Minority Report (banners controversy)

Tom Perna

Weasel Zippers (banners controversy)

Western Journalism (banners controversy)


A Shepherd’s Voice


Demotix (photos)

Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word

Happy Catholic (photos)

National Organization for Marriage (Archbishop Cordileone, Bishop Barber)

New Feminism

Quartermaster of the Barque

Quartermaster of the Barque 2

Secular Pro-Life

Secular Pro-Life 2

Sisters of Life



A Shepherd’s Voice (aerial view)

A Shepherd’s Voice (media bias)

Bishop Blaire, Diocese of Stockton

Badger Catholic (nice photos!)

Catholic Stand (funny post about media bias)

CitizenLink (media bias)

Family at the Foot of the Cross (nice photos!)

Happy Catholic (nice photos!)

Hidden in Jesus (nice photos)

Kelly Clinger at LifeSiteNews

Kendall Bioethics

Little Catholic Bubble

JOYFilled Family (nice photos!) (Chaldean Catholic Church)

Les Femmes the Truth (media bias)

Little Catholic Bubble

Making All Things New

Nunspeak (nice photos)

Path to the Priesthood

Ruth Institute

St. Clement Church Facebook Photos

St. Francis Salesian High School

Spikenard (Silent No More testimony)

Steven’s Bioethics Blog

The Peanut Gallery

To Restore All Things in Christ

Veritatem facientes in caritate (nice photos!)

When I Grow Up


This is NOT a Job For Superheroes (Upcoming Walk for Life)

Is Anybody There? (Upcoming Walk for Life)

Catholic Answers (Walk for Life Traditional Latin Mass)

Sacred Monkeys of the Vatican (Upcoming Walk for Life)

Secular Pro-Life (Upcoming Walk for Life)

Sisters of the Gospel of Life, Scotland (Upcoming Walk for Life)

Catholic and Enjoying It! (Papal Nuncio)

Insight Scoop (Papal Nuncio)

Marcus Allen Steele

A Shepherd’s Voice (Upcoming Walk for Life)

Sasale Community, Solomon Islands (Upcoming Walk for Life)

Sf Newsfeed (Jennifer O’Neill)

A Shepherd’s Voice (Walk for Life Speakers)

Patheos Public Catholic (Jennifer O’Neill)

Catholic Professional and Business Club of Modesto (Upcoming Walk for Life)


A Shepherd’s Voice

Anglicans for Life

Ars Orandi

Be the Straw Ministry

California News and Views

California Right to Life Advocates

Cantate Domino

Christian Brothers Conference

Comfortable Words

Consider the Priesthood

Couples For Christ

Deacon John

Deaf Pro-Lifers


Free Reublic

Get Religion

Joy Filled Family

Knights of Columbus

Laura’s Drop in the Ocean

Laura’s Drop in the Ocean 2

Lynn’s Timeless Treasures

Melchizidek Priest

Priests For Life

R. Kent’s Bioethics

Ruth Institute

Sammy Novick

Secular Pro-Life

Splendor of the Church


40 Days for Life

Allyson Rae Escobar

American Papist

Americatho (France)

Answers for the Faith

Catholic and Enjoying It

Celledoor Miscellany (photos)

Chez VH (great video)

Cody Ross (Photos)

Coming Home

Conversion Diary (photos)

Deacon for Life

Everyday Beauty

Family at the Foot of the Cross

Father Jim’s Ponderings

Food Parables

Happy Catholic (Photos)

Humbled Servant in Hawaii

In Our Notorious World (video)

Is Anybody There?

Jill Stanek

Joseph Seno (pictures)

Les Femmes – The Truth

Life of a Contemplative Apostle

Little Catholic Bubble

Live Action

Love, Laugh, Learn

Newbirth35 (Photos)


On Dover Beach

Pedro de Veiga (Brazil)

Priests for Life: Alveda King

Pro-Life Action League


Riposte Catholique (France)

Salt and Light TV

The Catholic Farmer

The Garden and the Zoo

The Mendoza Family Blog (Photos)


Veritatem facientes in caritate


40 Days for Life

A Mom’s Life in the Bay Area

American Catholic

American Papist

American Phoenix

AmeriCatho (France)

Bad Habit

Blog of the Stagg

Camp Gargano

Catholic Exchange

Catholic View

Deacon John

Debbie’s Roman Catholic Faith Blog

Demotix (pictures)

Destination Priesthood

Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit

Good Sense Politics

Greg and Sarina

Hawaii Right to Life

History is Hiring

Ignatius Insight

Ignatius Insight (2)

Illinois Federation for the Right to Life

Jill Stanek


Motherhood Interrupted

One L. A. Catholic

Patrick Madrid

Psalm 123

Romania Evalgelica (In Romania!)

Santissima Sacramento

SF Indymedia

SF Life and Justice

St. John Valdosta

The Aluminum Bride

The Chronicles of Life

Verbum Veritas in Mahonyland

Veritatem Facientes in Caritate

Verum Serum

W. Keith Moore

Waging Nonviolence

Zombie at Pajamas Media (some vulgar images)


A Shepherd’s Voice

Le blog de la Bergerie

American Papist

L.A. Catholic

Truth Seeker


A Shepherd’s Voice

Cartago Delenda Est

Corrinne’s Musings

American Phoenix

L.A. Catholic

Order of Preachers

Yuba Sutter Right to Life