Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Re-claiming Life for Every Generation

Thank God! Thank God! Thank God!

 Those words, from the lips of Walter Hoye, summed up the mood of the 21stt Annual Walk for Life West Coast.

The day started with the Walk for Life Mass at a standing –room only St. Mary’s Cathedral. San Francisco’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was the principal celebrant. Speaking of the challenges facing pro-lifers, he said “To stand for justice in an unjust society will bring persecution, condemnation and public opprobrium.  Is it worth it? When one knows what is right, knows it with conviction, there is no alternative.  Such attacks only bring greater peace of conscience, knowing that we suffer with Christ.  Our society as a whole is deeply wounded, with the most barbarous violence perpetrated on the smallest and most innocent among us being celebrated as a positive good.”

By noon thousands of you had gathered at Civic Center Plaza for the Rally.

The first speaker was well-known pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger, founder of the Radiance Foundation, who described the starting point of the pro-life movement simply “We believe in this radical notion–that we are all created equal.” He shared the story of his conception, and then of growing up in a family of adopted children and described that experience as being “Conceived in rape, adopted in love” a message he shares through the Radiance foundation.

Other speakers included Kelly Lester, a woman who has come through much darkness into the light. Kelly had a number of abortions, and described the “care” she received before having a chemical abortion: “No one told me I would have to decide whether or not to flush my baby down the toilet.” She described her time working at an abortion clinic “The abortion industry is very specific. They have one goal and one goal only. It’s not about choice, it’s about abortion.” But Kelly came through the darkness and told the crowd

“If you are a woman who has had an abortion, or if you are a man who has facilitated an abortion, there is healing for you.” Then she told the crowd “Look around. You are not alone and your voice matters.”

The final speaker was Walter Hoye of the Issues4Life Foundation. He rocked the crowd and captured the moment: “I want to thank God for the life of everyone here! Thank God! Thank God! Thank God!

I want to thank God for sparing the life of Donald J. Trump, not once but twice! Thank God! Thank God! Thank God!

I heard President Trump is considering defunding Planned Parenthood, Defund them now! Right now!”

“Thank God for the Walk for Life West Coast! The Walk for Life brings us together, helps to meet one another, and to work with one another. Thank God! Thank God! Thank God!

We want to get to work right now!

Now is the time to stand up for life!

Now is the time to Walk for Life!”

Following Walter’s fiery speech, tens of thousands of us, people of every race, age, and religion Walked for Life to the Embarcadero Plaza, filling Market Street for over a mile. Mariachi music mixed with chant and the Rosary, Ikons of the Theotokos mixed with images of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and Indian devotional umbrellas, strollers mixed with canes—it was the Walk for Life!

Relive all the talks here.

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Our Mission

To be a vocal and visual message that people of the West Coast stand for life. To reach out to women harmed by abortion. To inform society of the damage done to women by abortion.

Our Goal

To be a vocal and visual message that people of the West Coast stand for life. To reach out to women harmed by abortion. To inform society of the damage done to women by abortion.

Our Action

We will peaceably protest abortion, walking through San Francisco every year on or near January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.