Beautiful!!! Walk video from St. Thomas Aquinas Youth Group
One of my favorite Walk for Life West Coast videos from this year, for sure. The Thomas Aquinas Youth Group is not the same group as our friends from Thomas Aquinas College, but is a youth group from a St. Thomas Aquinas and surrounding parishes in Palo Alto, joined by the St. Margaret Mary Youth […]
EWTN Walk for Life West Coast Highlights Video!
Our brothers and sisters over at EWTN have prepared a video with highlighrts of the Walk for Life West Coast. It includes footage from some of the associated prayer events and conferences, Of course, being EWTN, it is beautifully produced. Check it out!
Law of Life Summit West Followed Walk
One of the great things about the growth of the Walk for Life West Coast is how many associated events have emerged. One of these is the very important Law of Life Legal Summit West. This year saw the second annual summit. LifeSiteNews has the story: Life Legal Defense holds second annual Law […]
Father Malloy 5K LIFE Runners Photos!
Our brothers and sisters over at LIFE Runners have nice photos up at their Facebook page of the Father Malloy 5K Run for Life, and of the LIFE Runners at the Walk for Life West Coast! The Father Malloy 5K was named for our dear Fr. John Malloy, SDB, the first chaplain of the […]
Full video of 2015 Silent No More Rally
Our friend Braddah Randy has full video of one of the most important parts of the Walk for Life West Coast: the Silent No More Awareness Campaign rally. This rally precedes every Walk, and it is an integral part of the Walk–where women (and men) can find healing from the pain caused by abortion. We […]