KRON TV: “If you were stuck in traffic in San Francisco Saturday afternoon, this is why”
KRON TV reports: “If you were stuck in traffic in San Francisco Saturday afternoon, this is why. Thousands of demonstrators shut down several streets in the city to take part in the ‘Walk For Life’ march.” Oddly, enough the article’s next sentence reads: “Scores of anti-abortion demonstrators from across the state traveled to San Francisco […]
Where to Start?
Great day, Walkers!–but we’ll start you off with a media bias laugh! wflwc #walkforlifewc #chooselife #babiessavingbabies #prolife #prolifegen #cultureoflife #lovethemboth #16yearsofhopeandhealing
SF Gate Covers the Walk
SFGate is the online San Francisco Chronicle. Some nice pictures and of course the obligatory attempt to give equal time to anti-lifers, outnumbered as usual at least 500 (oops, make that at least 1,000 or 1,500) to one. Check it out here. #walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC #babiessavingbabies
Walk for Life Transit News from the SFMTA
Maybe our local media ought to broadcast this so citizens aren’t blindsided by the magnitude of the Walk for Life West Coast? SFMTA has issued their annual transit advisory: The annual Walk for Life, which draws thousands of participants each year, will begin at 12:30 p.m. with a rally in the Civic Center/UN Plaza. At […]
Hey #walkforlifewc ! Thanks for all your hard work!
Everybody helped! YOU cracked the mass media blackout! This year the Walk for Life West Coast was covered by NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, KQED (our local NPR/Public TV affiliate), the AP, the San Francisco Chronicle… Yesterday’s Walk was one of the happiest and largest ever! Check back for more great photos and video!