Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Trump Administration Gives $5 Million to Pro-Life Clinics!

From the New York Times: Trump Administration Gives Family Planning Grant to Anti-Abortion Group  The Trump administration took an important step on Friday in its push to restrict access to abortion and contraception, announcing that it would give as much as $5.1 million in family planning funds to a nonprofit organization funded by allies of […]

Walk for Life’s Dolores Meehan on ABC TV

She’s discussing Planned Parenthood funding cuts on ABC San Francisco. ABC’s “political expert” agrees with her. Some nice footgae of this year’s rally, too.


St. Mary’s High School of Phoenix visits San Francisco and attends the Walk for Life.The good Marianist Brothers at Riordan High School opened their doors to them. Here’s a nice video, with lots of good footage of the city, too: