Attn: Walk for Life Videographers!
Throughout the history of the Walk for Life West Coast, we have been blessed by the number of great videos made by talented people who have attended. This year, the Manhattan Declaration is hosting a Pro-Lfe Video Contest. You can learn more, and submit your videos, here:
More Walk for Life Music Videos
Our young people are so talented! Here is a music video from “Couples for Christ NorCal” And here is one by a young woman named Kristene Mueller. Just lovely!
WOW! Great Walk for Life Video!
We are blessed beyond belief in our young people! The song is “Inheritance.” The band is “Shadow of the Locust.” They are part of the Lila Rose/Live Action and Rock for Life generation. God Bless them! In a January 26 interview with Trey on Wut Metaphysical of Shadow of the Locust described the new […]