Epoch Times! 珍惜生命 反對墮胎 加州數萬人冒雨集會遊行
All people, all languages, united for LIFE! 珍惜生命 反對墮胎 加州數萬人冒雨集會遊行 【大紀元2024年01月22日訊】(大紀元記者殷瑞娜綜合報導)上週六(1月20日),雨水無法澆熄加州人為生命奮鬥的心。儘管天氣惡劣,兩項年度反墮胎活動――舊金山「西海岸為生命而孜行」(Walk for Life West Coast)活動,和洛杉磯「一生一世」(OneLife LA)活動,仍吸引了大量人群參加,支持生命的神聖性。 Read the whole thing.
Faces in the Crowd–Maybe it’s You!
Walk for Life West Coast photographer Jose Luis Aguirre really captures the spirt of the Walk:
Our Sunday Visitor Covers the Walk!
Valerie Schmalz’s great story in OSV is here.
More Photos from Dennis!
More great images from Walk for Life West Coast photographer Dennis Callahan: Our fearless leaders Eva and Dolores. They met while caring for AIDS patients at the Gift of Love hospice back in the 1990’s. We love them! Our closing speaker and cleanup hitter, the Rev. Clenard Childress receives the St. Gianna Molla Award for […]
Walk Covered in Croatia!
When we attend the Walk for Life West Coast our witness is to the whole world! From Quo Vadis Croatia: Postoji stara izreka, koja je zapravo retoričko pitanje, te je neka vrsta samoprocjene vjere, načina da se utvrdi gdje se nalazi smisao hoda s Gospodinom Isusom: „Kada bi Vas uhitili zato jer ste kršćanin, bi li […]