From LifeSiteNews:
“Congress voted to double the budget of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, meaning the panel will continue investigating Planned Parenthood and the sale of aborted baby body parts through 2016…
Prior to the vote, the Panel announced yesterday that it had made nine criminal and regulatory referrals against Planned Parenthood, other abortion businesses, fetal tissue companies, and universities.
The Panel referred Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast, medical research companies StemExpress and DV Biologics for criminal prosecution for illegally profiting from fetal body parts. Also referred to law enforcement were The University of New Mexico, an Arkansas abortion facility, an Ohio university, Advanced Bioscience Resources, and Presidential Women’s Center in West Palm Beach, Florida….”
The investigation and referrals for prosecution are the direct result of the undercover videos produced by 2016 Walk for Life West Coast keynote speaker David Daleiden, and the Center for Medical Progress. On January 15, 2016, Walk for Life West Coast co-chair Eva Muntean said “Over the past year, all of America, including Americans who consider themselves ‘pro-choice’, have been shocked by revelations that the abortion industry has trafficked in the body parts of aborted babies. Even more shocking has been the revelation of the inhuman callousness with which abortion industry representatives view the practice, and their own victims. We, and we think most Americans, are proud of David for exposing these practices, and we are proud to have him as a speaker at the Walk for Life West Coast.”
We are indeed proud of our association with David, and we are happy to see Congress attempting to get to the bottom of this horrific practice.