Wow! How grateful we are to our Shepherds! Here’s a list (so far) of Bishops who will be attending the January 25, 2014 Walk for Life West Coast:

Bishop Michael Barber, Oakland; Bishop Stephen Blaire, Stockton; Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, San Francisco; Cardinal William Levada, San Francisco; Bishop Thomas Daly, San Jose; Bishop Rutilio del Riego, San Bernardino; Bishop William Justice, San Francisco; Bishop Robert McElroy, San Francisco; Archbishop Emeritus George Niederauer, San Francisco; Bishop Armando Ochoa, Fresno; Bishop Jaime Soto, Sacramento; Bishop Kevin Vann, Orange; Bishop Robert Vasa, Santa Rosa; Bishop Emeritus Daniel Walsh, Santa Rosa; and Bishop Ignatius Wang, San Francisco.
And that’s not to mention Bishop Eric Menees, of the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin, who will give the invocation!