On March 5, Ash Wednesday, the LIFE Runners A-Cross America Relay begins. (LIFE Runners had a big presence at the Walk for Life West Coast!) The Facebook event page for the Western Arm of the relay is here. The Western Arm details are below the video, and you can sign-up to be a LIFE Runner here.
“San Francisco will kick off the West Arm of the LIFE Runners A-Cross America Relay on March 5th! The relay is 40 days of running/walking: 1,103 5K legs (4,089 miles), from NYC and San Fran to Sioux Falls, SD – to “REMEMBER The Unborn” – All In Christ for Pro-Life!
March 5th Team Kick-off: Ash Wednesday
* 7:00am – Photos and pray LIFE Runners Creed at view point on north side of the Golden Gate Bridge
* 7:15am – Leg #1 from Golden Gate Bridge, run/walk for Life!
* 8:20am – Prayer at Planned Parenthood (141 Camino Alto #1, Mill Valley)
* 8:37am – Leg #3 baton handoff at Planned Parenthood.”
God Bless them!