Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Not everyone comes from far away to the Walk for Life West Coast! St. Hilary’s from Tiburon in Marin County has bus full of pro-lifers coming. Before they head down to the City they will host adoration at 10AM, followed by a special 10:45AM Mass for Walkers before they get on the bus.

Hey! It was just their feastday on Saturday, January 13: St. Hilary of Poitiers. He was extremely learned, and considered by some authorities to be the first Christian hymnist.

Fr. William Brown is the good pastor, and they’ve got young Fr. Andrew Ginter as parochial vicar—one of our great recent ADSF vocations.  The Walk coordinator is Mrs. Mari Pautler, God bless her! They’ve got Adoration 6 days a week in their adoration Chapel, too!

It’d be a crime not to show a picture of beautiful old St. Hilary, which is still standing, although obviously too small for the congregation. They do lots of weddings, I hear!

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