This is a first, from the Diocese of San Jose!
Valley Catholic, the Diocesan newspaper reports:
Christine Vincent joins DSJ in newly created position of Coordinator for Humanity and Life Ministries
By Liz Sullivan
Spend a few minutes with Christine Vincent and you will feel her passion for the Catholic Church and understand she is the perfect person for her new job.
On December 1, Vincent joined the Diocese of San Jose in the newly created position of Coordinator for Humanity and Life Ministries. She will work in the department of Social Ministries alongside Deacon Ruben Solorio.
A native of Indiana, Vincent joined the Diocese after serving as Director of Catechetical Ministry at St. Simon Parish in Los Altos. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Leadership from Marian University and a Master’s in Catholic Thought and Life from Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Additionally, Vincent holds post graduate certificates in both Church History and Systematic Theology.
“I see Christine as an amazing bridge builder that will help our local Church understand the importance of all human life by helping the Office of Social Ministries provide support, education, training and leadership development to our parishes and schools as we advocate for the human dignity of all people from the womb to the tomb,” said Solorio.
Vincent said she is excited to join the Diocese.
“I feel like I was called to do this,” she said. “I was not looking to leave St. Simon. I feel there is a need to help promote the human dignity of life.
Vincent’s position will encompass all aspects of human life; womb to tomb. In addition, she will chair the Diocese Respect Life Committee.
“People need to understand the dignity of human life,” she said. “It is very exciting to be in a new position. I can be very creative. One of my gifts is my ability to look outside the box. With this position I think the Diocese of San Jose is on the cutting edge of social ministries….”
The article goes on to report that “on January 23 the Diocese will host a High School Youth Rally for life at Our Lady of Refuge Church in San Jose, ” which will includes talks and entertainment with the Seminarians of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, Food, Hour of Adoration with Rosary and Confession, and the evening will end with Holy Mass.
And the article closes by saying “The rally is leading up to Walk for Life in San Francisco. This is the first time the Diocese will have sponsored buses attending the event.”
You can learn more about San Jose’s Youth Rally for Life here.
Needless to say, the Walk for Life West Coast is thrilled by this show of support from the diocese of San Jose–and we congratulate them for having such an energetic new leader!