God bless our young people…how lucky we are! This is posted on the website of Paraclete High School in Lancaster, California, one of the many high schools whose students attended the Walk. The picture is small but those look like 40 Days for Life t-shirts to me!
Walk for Life West Coast
Our Campus Ministry in Motion!
“On Saturday, January 25, thirteen students from Paraclete attended the Walk For Life West Coast in San Francisco. Accompanied by Fr. G and Mr. Landa, these students gathered with over 60,000 Catholics and members of other religious groups to witness to the sanctity of life. Along with young people from all over the western states, they attended a special mass celebrated by a dozen California bishops and even got to do a little sight-seeing. Campus Ministry is active in several local Respect for Life events and activities and supports the AV Pregnancy Counseling Center through fundraisers.