God bless them! Over 45,000 pro-lifers from all over Europe attended Sunday’s Marche pour la Vie. The is the Walk for Life West Coast’s sister event–some year’s back our co-founder spoke there, and one of their co-founders spoke at the Walk. Check out the video!
LifeSiteNews has the story:
Tens of thousands march for life in Paris
PARIS, January 26, 2015) — This year’s annual March for Life in Paris, on Sunday, was different from all those that preceded it since a coalition of pro-life movements organized the first event in 2005 to mark the 30th anniversary of the legalization of abortion in France. Ten years on, the tone has changed: what started as a celebration of life, demanding “laws for life,” has become a graver, more determined condemnation of laws that organize the legal taking of lives.
According to the organizers, 45,000 people of all ages, with a predominance of young adults and teenagers, took part in the March.
This year’s edition also took up the question of euthanasia: the socialist government of François Hollande, is gearing up to obtain a vote on a new “end of life” law that aims to create patient rights to “deep and continuous sedation,” or slow euthanasia. The debate is expected to take place in March.
Year after year, the numbers of demonstrators marching through Paris demanding respect for unborn life – and now human life at its end – have been growing steadily, together with support from a number of Catholic bishops. For the first time, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin of Lyons was present among the marchers, albeit discreetly. Fourteen other bishops voiced their support for the March.
The papal nuncio in France, Archbishop Luigi Ventura, extended Pope Francis’ “cordial greetings,” encouragement, and blessing to the Paris March for Life, recalling what the pope had said to the Italian Catholic Doctors’ Association last November: “Human life is always sacred, valuable and inviolable, and should, as such, be loved, protected and cared for.”