On January 15 the Supreme Court will begin to hear oral arguments in McCullen v. Coakley, in which pro-life activists are challenging the constitutionality of “bubble laws” that have been enacted to stifle the free speech of pro-life Americans. While the case challenges Massachusetts law, it has the potential to strike down “bubble zones” nationwide. Past Walk for Life West Coast St. Gianna Molla award Walter Hoye winner was imprisoned for 28 days under such a law, although his conviction was later overturned.
The Pro-Life action league requests that all pro-lifers pray an “Our Father” daily from January 7-15, for the intention “that the Supreme Court justices will listen to the plaintiffs’ arguments in McCullen v. Coakley with open hearts and that “His will be done” in their ruling later this Spring.
Learn more at LifeNews.