The sisters of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará posted about the great work they did before and at the Walk. Check out the pictures to see how the sisters were spreading the joyous love of Christ!
Walking for Life in San Francisco
Our Religious Family in California rejoiced this year to see the Walk for Life West Coast continue to grow and attract more Pro-life activists to San Francisco to protest Roe vs. Wade. Our sisters and priests from the Shrine of Our Lady of Peace in Santa Clara as well as St. Leo the Great Parish in San Jose organized vigil events and brought parishioners and youth to the Walk for Life on January 25th.
Youth Vigil at Our Lady of Peace
In preparation for the 10th Annual Walk for Life in San Francisco, Our Lady of Peace Shrine held a Vigil Youth Rally for Life on Friday January 24th with about 250 youth, ages 12-25.
The event began with a time of praise and worship songs followed by a skit put on by our IVE seminarians who flew in from Washington DC to be there. Next, two break-out sessions followed with talks led by the seminarians about how to be a Pro-Life teenage in school and at college.
The youth then were able to have a Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament, where all were given an opportunity for the sacrament of confession. Everyone then processed outside for a candle-light Rosary Procession with Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn. It was a beautiful sight to see hundreds of candles being held by the future of our nation, praying for the unborn. To conclude, the Holy Mass was celebrated and the youth were able to receive many graces from Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist. The evening ended with more songs as people waited for their rides and headed home.
To read the rest of the post, about the Sisters experience at the actual Walk, go here.