So many people attended the Walk, and so many have interesting things to say, that we cannot publish them all. Here are three, the first from Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary:
“There were tons of people there aged 16 – 25, and they were full of energy for the cause. I wondered if that had anything to do with the fact that they all grew up in the age of ultrasounds, where we have a whole lot more information about what really goes on in the womb.”
From a young woman named Allyson Rae Escobar, writing in Have Heart:
“Now I was a part of something greater, something beyond comprehension. Walk for Life was one of the coolest things i’ve ever been blessed to participate in, thank God. Walking with tens of thousands of other people, all for the same cause. For LIFE. It made me realize how precious life is, how forgiving God is, and how we owe it not only to Him but to ourselves to be a part of it, not just watching from the sidelines.”
Here’s another from T. S. Wood, writing in The Garden and the Zoo:
“Yesterday, for the first time, I participated in the Walk For Life West Coast, and it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I have no proper word to describe it, and must settle for less than accurate. The closest is serenity. We were 40,000 strong. Where would you find 40,000 people marching peacefully with only one voice, one mind? When I reached close to the end of the beach walk, before the uphill left turn towards the greens of Fort Mason, I looked back, thinking I was somewhere near the end of the line. Was I wrong!
As far as the eye could see, the snaking water edge was lined with us, and the end was nowhere in sight!”
That last sentence sounds Biblical:
“As far as the eye could see, the snaking water edge was lined with us, and the end was nowhere in sight!”
To read more wonderful observations from those who attended, check out the links in the “2011 Blog Coverage” panel on the right sidebar.