Walk co-chair Eva Muntean kicks off the rally. Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.
Walk chair Dolores Meehan. She told the crowd “They think you’re going away?? Are they high? You’re pro-lifers! You’re the Navy Seals of the Almighty! Credit” Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast
Frances Peterson led us in a beautiful rendition of the National anthem. Picture shows Frances’ spirit completely! Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.
Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento being interviewed before the rally. Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.
Bishop Steven Lopes of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter gave the invocation. Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.San Francisco’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and the Reverend Dr. Franco Kwan of San Francisco’s Chinese Christian Union. Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.
The Archbishop, Rev. Kwan, and Eva Muntean ask God’s blessing on the Walk. Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.
Mrs. Pam Tebow, our headliner. Gracious, charming, and completely devoted to God, life, and family. Plus she was born in SF! Our good Auxiliary Bishop Bill Justice at right. Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.
Archbishop Cordileone read a message of support and solidarity from Pope Francis. He then introduced Dr. George Delgado, our 2017 St. Gianna Molla Award winner. Credit: Jose Aguirre/Walk for Life West Cast.
Dr. George Delgado, Medical Director of Culture of Life Family Services in San Diego, and pioneer of the abortion pill reversal process, which gives women and babies a REAL choice. Dr. Delgado was the recipient of this year’s St. Gianna Molla award for pro-life heroism.