The Walk for Life West Coast can be an adventure, in more ways than one, for young people! Here are members of the St. Margaret Mary’s Youth Group from Oakland, spending some time in North Beach the night before the Walk. They ran into one of the wonderful members of the San Francisco Police Department, and he took the time to have his picture taken with the group. Looks like they are on Columbus Avenue:
We love the good members of the SFPD, and more than one officer has said how much he likes working the Walk for Life West Coast (we’ll post some pictures of the SFPD at the Walk soon). That’s because we like them and we respect their authority. Those who attended should make sure to take a minute and thank the SFPD. Letters of appreciation may be sent to:
Chief Greg Suhr
Hall of Justice
850 Bryant Street #525
San Francisco, CA 94103
Let the Chief know what a great job his officers did!