Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

We blogged on this back on December 14, but are reaching out to Walkers again! TAC has collected about half of the $5K they need to get to the Walk:

The students of Thomas Aquinas College have been with the Walk for Life West Coast since day one! The young people take the long bus trip to and from Santa Paul to San Francisco, sleep on the cold, hard floor, then show up for adoration, the Walk for Life Mass, and of course are always at the forefront of the Walk.

Now they are asking for OUR help:

“Each year, the majority of the students of TAC travel to San Francisco and lead the Pro-Life community at the annual West Coast Walk for Life. This protest is a crucial part of the battle against abortion–silence is assent, and we refuse to keep silent about the murder of innocents. 

As of 2:30 P.M, December 13th, 2017, there have been an estimated 1,478,051,400 abortions globally since 1980. [] Nearly one and a half billion children have been legally murdered since Roe v. Wade, and that number grows by the second. This is the massacre of the millennium, by far the most lethal in all of human history, and a crippling attack on the unborn child, the mother, and the family. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to do whatever we can to end this horrific genocide.

This brings me to our plea for help. We are significantly under our fundraising goal for the Walk which is in less than six weeks, due to an unprecedented increase in the cost for our busses to and from San Francisco….”

Help out at their GoFundMe page here.