President Donald Trump will address the March for Life in DC this Friday via a live feed!! LifeNews has the story:
President Donald Trump Will Address March for Life, 1st President to Speak Via Live Video Feed
“President Donald Trump will address the March for Life on Friday in live remarks to hundreds of thousands of pro-life people attending the event from across the country. Trump is keeping a tradition alive that’s seen previous presidents taking a pro-life position making similar phone calls to encourage pro-life advocates to continue fighting against abortion.
President Trump will become the first president to speak to the March for Life via a live video feed. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and George W Bush all addressed the March for Life as well with pro-life remarks. There remarks were typically pre-taped or they were aired via a live phone call to March for Life participants. With better technology available today, a live video stream is more easily accomplished.
President Trump was supposed to send remarks to the March for Life last year but did not do so because ice President Mike Pence and Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway were slated to speak at the event to represent the White House.
Last year Trump called out the mainstream media for essentially ignoring the March for Life.”