Who could forget the greatest moment of last year’s Walk for Life West Coast, or any Walk for Life West Coast for that matter: the ascension to the stage of seven pregnant mom’s who then help microphones to their bellies so that the whole world could hear the heartbeats of their unborn babies?
Well, four of them made it back this year! Left to right that’s Moms Tjana Barrios-Chandler with Aurelius, Tessa Williams with Josephine Zelie, Walk for Life West Coast co-chair Eva Muntean, Clare Caputi with Mary Catharine, and Emily LaRochelle with Florence Rose. The other three were fine but just could not make he trip–but they sent baby pictures that went up on the jumbotron!
When we look at these adorable, innocent and defenseless little people, hard as it is we have to reflect that in this country it would have been perfectly legal to murder any one of them right up to the moment of their birth.
Photo credit: Jose Aguirre?Walk for Life West Coast.
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