Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

That’s the reflection of a young USC Student interviewed for this excellent article in neon tommy:

Abortion opponents march for life in San Francisco
Rebecca Doyle

“An estimated 50,000 people participated in the annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on Saturday. Among the participants were six representatives from the recently formed University of Southern California Students for Life, an organization focusing on issues such as abortion and capital punishment…

“The march just didn’t seem to end,” observed Ronnie LaGro, a first-year student earning his master’s degree in Social Work who attended the Walk for Life West Coasst. “Even when we stopped for fifteen minutes to wait for friends, the sea of people just kept coming and coming. It was awesome for those of us from USC to be surrounded by so many loving people willing to take a stand defending our first inalienable right to life.”

Another of the students observed:

“Too often being pro-life is equated to being anti-woman. Not only is this statement absurdly false, but it represents a tragic mindset,” Gavit said. “Those who support abortion fail to think about the 1,800 girls killed in the womb every day by abortion. They fail to realize that over 50% of women are coerced into abortions and say that if just one person had encouraged them to choose life, they would have done so. The organization Feminists for Life has as its motto, ‘Abortion is a reflection that our society has failed to meet the needs of women.’ I agree. Women in crisis pregnancies do not need someone from the abortion industry encouraging them to abort. Rather, they need to hear the truth about the humanity of their child. They need to hear that they are valuable, that their child is valuable, that they are supported, and that carrying a baby to term is not the end of the world.”

Read the whole thing