Thomas Aquinas College Students Headed to Walk for Life West Coast! From the TAC website:
“The Two Buses Are Full!!
Thus proclaims the sign on the billboard in St. Joseph Commons, where Thomas Aquinas College students get their campus news and notices. The buses are the two large passenger coaches that will help bring some two-thirds of the College’s student body to San Francisco this weekend for the Walk for Life West Coast. Other students will take cars, or ride up with faculty and chaplains, as they have every year since the Walk first began in 2005.
The 550-mile, round-trip journey will begin Friday, after classes, when the various vehicles depart for the Bay Area. The students will arrive late in the night at Saints Peter and Paul Church in San Francisco’s Little Italy, where the Salesian fathers have graciously offered them a place to sleep in the parish’s two gymnasia. The church will also serve as the students’ spiritual home, offering all-night Eucharistic adoration that will culminate in a Holy Hour in honor of the Unborn Child Jesus from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.”