What a great Walk for Life West Coast story! We just learned about this lady from reading Dexter Duggan’s article (see previous post) in The Wanderer:
Run For Life
The person who may have traveled the farthest for the Walk for Life was Karen Patnaude, from the Republic of Fiji, in the South Pacific Ocean, an American whose husband works there for an airline.
Patnaude, a member of the international LIFE Runners organization (www.liferunners.org), told The Wanderer that it was more than a 10-hour direct flight to reach San Francisco. Although they can spread their pro-life message through public running events, the only requirement to belong to LIFE Runners is to wear its distinctive blue shirt, she said.
“We’re living billboards of this message of truth, whether we’re walking or running or grocery shopping,” Patnaude, a non-Catholic, said. “. . . The abortion issue is a human issue. . . . The unborn baby is a human,” so it’s not just a question of “choice.”
She said there are more than 300 LIFE Runners in Fiji, and more than 5,000 in 29 nations, from ages 1 to 101.
Pat Castle, from Jefferson City, Mo., who founded the organization in 2008, was among other LIFE Runners in San Francisco for the Walk for Life. Castle said he’s a lifelong runner who has dashed along sites including the Great Wall of China.
One may hope that with the Trump presidency, the pro-life movement draws closer to a victory line.”
In March of last year’s, Karen was included in a LifeSiteNews article profiling the Life Runners:
“The Fiji islands’ LIFE Runners ‘remotely’ ran all of Utah’s ‘legs.’ But they were hit with adversity. As Fiji chapter leader Karen Patnaude explained, ‘Fiji LIFE Runners adopted the state of Utah this year to run remotely. Right in the middle of covering the legs for the A-Cross America Relay, Fiji was devastated by a Category 5 cyclone! This didn’t stop these LIFE Runners, who continued to run as well as reach out to those in the community by bringing supplies to heavily damaged areas!'”

Bless them! Walk for Lifers, let’s always remember that we are part of a worldwide movement!