And today is the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas! TAC’ers do everything–pray, Walk, direct traffic, you name it! They have a nice slideshow and video up at the school’s website–check it out here.
Clad in their red sweatshirts, the College’s students prayed, sang, and peacefully called for an end to abortion alongside more than 50,000 fellow walkers. They also spoke candidly to various media outlets about their commitment to the protection of all human life.
“We read a lot of philosophy and science and history, and I would say we learn what life is, we learn who man is, we learn what the purpose of man is,” junior Stephen Cyr told EWTN News. “Every person, every human being, has a right to life. No one has the right to take that away from them.” Addressing her fellow women, junior Katie Beckman added, “You don’t have to sacrifice your child in order to achieve your dreams. Children bring us to even greater dreams.” And senior Peter Reilly told viewers of NBC News, “Our school and my friends have been praying for an overturning of Roe v. Wade.”
wflwc #walkforlifewc #chooselife #babiessavingbabies #prolife #prolifegen #cultureoflife #lovethemboth #16yearsofhopeandhealing