Go here to see the slideshow. The big young man you see with the long hair in a couple of the photos is Zack, the lead TAC organizer.
Here’s the TAC ladies helping to lead the Walk:
From the TAC website:
“Sunday evening, two large passenger coaches arrived back on campus, along with the various other vehicles that carried some two-thirds of the Thomas Aquinas College student body back from San Francisco. There, as they do every year, the students — joined by members of the faculty, the campus chaplains, and numerous alumni — participated in the Walk for Life West Coast. As in years past, the Walk’s organizers gave a delegation of Thomas Aquinas College women the honor of leading the marchers through the city. Organizers also asked numerous students to take on leadership roles in the event, such as directing walkers, assisting with visiting dignitaries, and bolstering security along the route.
Thanks be to God for the Walkers’ safe return, and many thanks to the generous benefactors who made their trip possible!”
God Bless them!