The Walk for Life West Coast covered today in Catholic News Agency:
Pro-life advocates gather in San Francisco for Walk for Life West Coast
The Walk for Life West Coast aims to gather thousands of pro-life advocates in San Francisco in the next days for mutual support, outreach and inspiration.
“Great speakers. Great weather. Great comradery,” event organizer Eva Muntean told CNA. “It’s going to be great. We’re looking forward to it because right now there’s so many things going on politically and culturally.”
Muntean cited the event theme “Abortion harms women,” noting that it will include testimonials from women affected by their abortions.
“Some of those stories are just incredible,” she said.
Muntean said the recent passage of a New York law expanding abortion and securing its legal position in case the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision is overturned was “devastating” for the pro-life movement.
“We don’t see the end in sight,” she said. “We need to keep doing these walks and supporting life in any way, shape, or form that we can.”
Any discouragement pro-life advocates feel right now is a reason to come together, learn from each other, and support each other “to keep motivated in this movement which is ultimately the most important movement of our time.”
Join us tomorrow!
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