The San Francisco’s United For Life has joined the Walk for Life West Coast in supporting our billboard promoting the Abortion Pill Reversal procedure:
The billboard, which is one block away from San Francisco’s Planned Parenthood abortion business, publicizes the wonderful new abortion reversal protocol, which can reverse the effects of RU-486, if taken quickly. The billboard has received wide publicity, being covered in California Catholic Daily, Life News, pro-life heroine Jill Stanek’s blog, etc. For more information about the abortion reversal pill, or to find out where to receive the treatment, call 877-558-0333, or visit
The Walk has committed to paying for the billboard (now with the generous help of United for Life!) for a period of two years beginning in October 2015. Needless to say, it is expensive, and we are asking YOU to join with us, and United for Life, in this life saving (100 babies already!) project. You can help by visiting our “Donate” page. Please indicate “Billboard” on the notation field of your check or in your credit card donation.