Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Our media presence is growing! Lots of interviews on the Radio, and at least one on Television. Here this weeks interviews. All times are PST.

January 13 TONIGHT!

Walk co-founder Eva Muntean and pro-lifer heroes Walter and Lori Hoye on Craig Roberts’ show on KFAX Radio, 1100AM in the Bay Area.

January 14

Julia Holcomb
Julia Holcomb

Walk spokesperson Glenda Aragon will be on Café, Pan, y Fe with hostess Lorena Albarrán on Radio Santìsimo Sacramento at 7:00AM. En Español.

Walk speaker Julia Holcomb will be on KBVM radio at 8:00AM

Walk speaker Rebekah Buell will be on KBVM Radio at 8:30AM.

Former Walk speaker Jesse Romero will be on the Alma Joven show at 5:00PM. En Español.

January 15

Walk co-chair Eva Muntean will be on the Jennifer Fulwiler Show at 10:20AM

Walk co-chair Eva Muntean will be on “At Home with Jim and Joy” on EWTN at 11:00AM.

January 16

Meehan010810Walk co-Chair Dolores Meehan will be on the Catholic Connection at 6:39AM.