Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Walk for Life West Coast co-founder Lisa Hamrick was interviewed on One News Now:

“The pro-life representative was asked why when California is painted as a left leaning, pro-abortion state, it gets such tremendous numbers for the march.

‘Really, just every kind of wonderful organization; religious, priests and nuns. You know, we’ve got a lot of problems in San Francisco and the West Coast but there’s a lot of really, really dedicated, beautiful, holy people here,” comments Hamrick, ‘and there’s just been such a yearning since the majority of people couldn’t get out to the March for Life in Washington, DC. It’s just taken off like wildfire. It’s just beautiful to watch.’

Hamrick believes one underlying reason for the success of the San Francisco Walk for Life is the abundance of prayer.”

Bless her!