A number of African American Walk for Life West Coast speakers have joined other African American pro-life leaders in submitting an Amicus (friend of the court) brief in June Medical Services LLC v.Gee. The case, brought by the abortion industry, challenges a Louisiana law that would require abortionists to “make arrangements for admitting women to nearby hospitals in cases of life-threatening complications.” This hardly seems an onerous condition to any sensible person, and the African American pro-lifers argue, quite correctly, that there is “long history involving unqualified and uncredentialed abortion providers disproportionately harming black women.”

LifeSiteNews has the story:
A coalition of African-American pro-life leaders including Alevda King, Ryan Bomberger, and Stacey Washington has submitted its own amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold a Louisiana law imposing medical standards on abortion facilities, taking the opportunity to raise awareness of abortion’s disproportionate harm to black women.