Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Bless the Pro-Life Generation! Students for Life of Gonzaga University came all the way from Spokjane, WA to the Walk for Life West Coast. They were profiled in the Gonzaga Bulletin.

GU Students for Life visit San Francisco for Walk for Life West Coast
Amy Bruza | Contributor

Last month, Gonzaga’s Students for Life club participated in the 14th annual Walk for Life West Coast and the Students for Life of America West Coast Conference in San Francisco. 

On Saturday, Jan. 27,  the Students for Life club marched with 50,000 others in the Walk for Life West Coast, a rally advocating for the outlaw of abortion. 

John Jourdan, the club’s public relations coordinator, said that traveling to these events is important to the club because it shows that they are not satisfied with the current abortion laws and want a change. 

Jourdan highlights the substantial number of young people he noticed at the rally. Many were carrying signs that said “I am the Pro-Life Generation” and “Women Deserve Better than Abortion.”

President of GU’s Students for Life club Katherine Thrasher was happy to see a focus on women-oriented care and women-oriented love within the pro-life movement, a huge shift that she  said she believes has taken place in recent years.

Thrasher explains that many people are realizing the root cause of abortion is that women are not given the love and support that they need by being lied to and not being shown other options that are effective. 

“I think our generation has hope that the older generation didn’t. So, we’re proud to hold these signs …We know that pro-life means pro-love and it means pro-women,” Thrasher said….

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