Massive crowds, families, kids, people of every race and creed, the two ex-Planned Parenthood speakers, Walter Hoye on FIRE! and in what must certainly be the highlight of the day: heartbeats of six unborn children amplified for all the world to hear! The unborn saving the unborn!
It’s not easy to silence the Walk for Life West Coast, but that did it. Check out the pictures of the six moms and their children–all of whom were, mothers and unborn children, were introduced by Walk co-chair Eva Muntean:

That was something, but check out the reaction of the Walkers to hearing the little heartbeats:
Photo: Jose Luis Aguirre/Walk for Life West CoastIt truly brought down the house. The video, which I’m sure will be up soon, should be played in every state in the union.
Thanks to Jose Aguirre, our great Walk for Life West Coast photographer, who went above and beyone to get us photographs in record time. More soon!
#walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC #unbornsavingtheunborn #babiessavingbabies