Bless them! Today, pro-life hero (and Walk for Life West Coast 2016 speaker!) David Daleiden was once again at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Young pro-lifers from Students for Life of America and Pro-Life Future of San Francisco were there to support him, and after the hearing they were out front for the San Francisco stop of SFLA’s SockIt2PP tour. Here’s a couple of photos taken by walk for Life West Coast co-chair Eva Muntean:
Our fearless young people!
Pro-Life hero David Daleiden and superstar attorney Katie Short.
Eva commented: “I have got to say how heartened I was to see those young people! From Students for Life of America, from Pro-Life Future of San Francisco and David Daleiden! THEY the future of the pro-life movement and THEY are the future of America. How can Planned Parenthood be the future? Their whole business model is based on foreclosing the future, their whole worldview is to try and control the future, and their whole result is no future. They’re trying to open a new abortion business in San Francisco called their flagship. What it is is a deathship, and we hope to see it a sunken ship!
We older folks (I don’t like to say it but its true) are astonished at how much those in the younger generation have accomplished. The amazing work, begun by Lila Rose and others, and carried even further by the heroic David Daleiden finally has congress on the verge of defunding Planned Parenthood. They must do it, and we must hold their feet to the fire. And the FBI may finally begin investigating the horrific practices of these avatars of the culture of death. The work of these young people, and their witness, are bringing the country back to the unavoidable reality: Yes, the unborn child is human. Yes, the unborn child is alive. Yes, an alive human is a person. And YES, it is wrong to kill a person. It really is that simple.”
You can see video of todays event here.