More of YOUR videos: Cathedral Sacramento at Walk for Life West Coast
Great video from the group who came from the Cathedral of Sacramento for the Walk! Young, joyful, and Pro-LIFE! Check it out!
More of YOUR Photos: The Dominicans at the Walk for Life West Coast
Some beautiful photos from the website of the Western Province of the Dominicans–and you can see more here.
YOUR Stories: Our Lady of Peace at Walk for Life West Coast
Our Lady of Peace parish in Santa Clara was at the Walk and they’ve got a great post describing their experience and nice photos, too! Hey! Send us YOUR photos and stories! Email to “Yes, that’s right, I was marching in San Francisco on January 21, 2017 in the 13th Annual Walk for Life! […]
Caminata por la Vida de la Costa Oeste: “Tu luz debe brillar ahora” para acabar con el aborto
SAN FRANCISCO, 21 de enero de 2017 _ A menos de dos horas antes de que se lanzara otra protesta en San Francisco contra el presidente Donald Trump, la Caminata por la Vida de la ciudad de San Francisco que es pro-mujer, pro-vida, atrajo a decenas de miles a una manifestación y Caminata que se […]
為生命奔走舊金山集會 婦權領袖批中共強制墮胎
Epoch Times covers the Walk for Life West Coast! Many thanks to our friend Frank Lee of Asian Americans Pro-Life for his outreach to the Chinese Community! 為生命奔走舊金山集會 婦權領袖批中共強制墮胎 1月21日在舊金山市府廣場舉行的5萬人「為生命奔走」活動集會現場。(周鳳臨/大紀元) 【字號】 大 中 小 更新: 2017-01-23 3:48 PM 標籤: 婦女權益, 反對墮胎, 計劃生育, 中國計劃生育, 為生命奔走, 強制墮胎 【大紀元2017年01月23日訊】(大紀元記者周鳳臨舊金山報導)1月21日在舊金山市府廣場舉行的5萬人「為生命奔走」(Walk for Life)活動集會上,應邀參加演講的著名婦女權益運動領袖、婦女權益無疆界組織(Women’s Rights Without Frontiers)主席雷吉‧利特爾約翰(Reggie Littlejohn)批評中共無人性的強制墮胎的生育政策。 「在中國大陸,每分鐘有47個胎兒因強制墮胎而亡。」利特爾約翰在發言中說:「中共強制墮胎政策,並未因所謂的二胎政策有絲毫改變。」 利特爾約翰還在當天的演講中透露,剛剛上任的總統川普(Donald […]