Days until we Walk for Life on January 25, 2025

Zenit Story/Interview in English!

That’s the young people from JSerra High in San Juan Capistrano. Great signs! The Zenit story gives a good history of the Walk. Excerpt below, read the whole thing. Marching for Life — Zenit Interview With Eva Muntean Co-Founder, and Co-President of ‘The Walk for Life West Coast’ JANUARY 30, 2020 10:55RICHARD MAHERFAMILY & LIFE […]

“El aborto no tiene lugar en una sociedad civilizada”

This story and interview with Eva is in–a worldwide website. En Español, but maybe there will be an English version. Excerpt: Entrevista a cofundadora de la “Caminata Anual por la Vida de la Costa Oeste” ENERO 29, 2020 18:57RICHARD MAHERENTREVISTAS, FAMILIA Y VIDA (zenit – 29 enero 2020).- En Estados Unidos, el mes de enero marca […]

President Asks Congress for Abortion Legislation

From President Trump’s State of the Union: “Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth. These are living, feeling, beautiful, babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world. […]

5萬人三藩市市中心反墮胎遊行集會 Woo-hoo! Walk in SingTao Daily

Although many of us will not understand the language, this is big! SingTao Daily, based in Hong Kong, has 16 overseas editions, published by nine overseas news bureaus and circulated in 100 cities in China and around the world. A Chinese-speaking member of the Walk for Life West Coast team tells us this article quotes Frank […]

Marche Pour la Vie, Paris!

Pro-lifers stand for the littlest among us in every country under the sun, and we will never quit!! Friday it was our BIG sister Marching in Washington DC. Yesterday it was our LITTLE sister, OneLife LA! And today (at least today, Paris time!) it was the Walk for Life West Coast’s TWIN sister, the Marche […]