March for Life in D.C. Happening Now!

She’s our big sister and inspiration and we love her! EWTN has live coverage here.
WOW! Check out the Crowd at DC March for Life!
She’s our Big Sister and we love her so much! Earlier today:
DC March For Life at 9:00AM!
Our big sister, the March for Life, largest pro-life event in the world, begins at 9:00AM PST. Watch here!
Way to Go, Pennsylvania!
On September 27, our brothers and sisters stood for the littlest among us in Harrisburg, PA at the First Annual Pennsylvania March for Life! From Aleteia: The day began with the Celebration of Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral by Bishop Ronald Gainer. It was followed by a rally on the steps of the state capitol […]
Our Big Sisters Go to Work! D.C. March for Life Today!
EWTN has live coverage of the National March for Life in Washington D.C., big sister to the Walk for Life West Coast! We love our big sister and always try to our best to live up to her shining example! #wflwc #walkforlifewc #chooselife #babiessavingbabies #prolife #prolifegen #cultureoflife #lovethemboth #16yearsofhopeandhealing