Watch President Trump’s Video Address to March for Life!
Check it out! Vice-President and Mrs. Pence lead the segment off, and President Trump comes on at about 9:15. Bless them all! #walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC
WOW! Absolute Homerun Address to March for Life from President Trump!
Wow! President Donald Trump just gave a surprise address by video to the March for Life in Washington, DC! A total pro-life homerun! We will post text or video as soon as it is available. Thank you, Mr. President! #walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC
Our Big Sister Marches TODAY!!
Today, for the 46th time, pro-lifers from all over the country will gather in Washington, DC, for the 46th Annual March for Life–the Walk for Life West Coast’s big sister! Right now, the Sidewalk Prophets are performing, and the schedule is as follows (all times EST): 12:00 p.m. Rally Program 1:00 p.m. March up Constitution […]
“A Movement Born of Love” -President Donald Trump
Wow, just wow. Video below. President Donald Trump, the first sitting President to address the March for Life, just finished, and did he ever deliver! God bless him! Watch the video below.
March for Life in Washington DC About to Start!
She’s the Walk for Life West Coast’s big sister and we love her! The rally starts at 8:30AM PST. You can watch live on EWTN–click the image below. And get inspired to Walk for the little ones in SF on Saturday, January 27! #prolife #wflwc #walkforlifewestcoast #walkforlifewc #joinus #prowoman#walkwithus