Orthodox/Catholic Vespers TONIGHT!
Tonight at 7:00PM, in preparation for the Walk for Life West Coast, Orthodox Christians, Catholics, & others join together in prayer for the littlest among us and respect for the sanctityof human life! YOU are invited to participate in Vespers for Life! Go here for the livestream! Everyone is welcome!
Orthodox Christians at the Walk!
In what has become a wonderful walk for Life West Coast tradition, our Orthodox brothers and sisters gather every Walk for Life Saturday around 10:30 to pray for an end to abortion Orthodox Christans for Life Secretary Veronica Ruby (who sent these photos) says “as the service concludes, they kneel and solemnly pray, ‘O Lord […]
YOUR Pictures! Orthodox Christians for Life!
Did you take some pictures you’d like to share? Let us know! These are from a young man–maybe a future member of the Walk for Life West Coast Media Team!–named Aidan Garza. Aidan was with the Orthodox Christians for Life. Check out his work: #babiessavingbabies #walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC
Orthodox Christians at Walk for Life West Coast!
It was wonderful to once again see a large Orthodox Christian group at the Walk for Life! Our Orthodox Christian friends had a new inspiring theme. Well, it’s not so new, because it comes from the magnificent Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom. St. John Chrysostom was a bishop of the Church in the late […]
Orthodox Christian Molieben at Walk for Life West Coast!
Once again, our dear friends from Orthodox Christians for Life will celebrate a molieben (which is a Service of Intercession or Supplication) before the Walk. Here’s the invitation from their Facebook page. Please join us in San Francisco on Saturday, January 26, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in prayer for an Orthodox sanctity of life molieben […]