Orthodox Christian Service for Life January 22 at 7:00 PM!
Our dear friends over at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church are hosting a Prayer Service in Thanksgiving for Life and Creation on the eve of the Walk for Life West Coast, January 22, at 7:00 PM. That is the home parish of Fr. Aris Metrakos, who gave the invocation at the Walk a few years […]
The Orthodox at the walk for Life West Coast!
Our Orthodox brothers and sisters have a whole website devoted to their participation at the Walk for Life West Coast. God bless them! Check out their invitational video to the Walk–which also has a plug for the Students for Life of America Conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral on January 25. On Saturday they are celebratinging […]
Interfaith Pro-Life Youth Rally THIS SATURDAY!
A great event for our young people! The San Francisco Interfaith Committee for Life will host an all-day Pro-Life ecumenical event for teens Saturday, November 8, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at San Francisco’s Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 999 Brotherhood Way. (The Pastor of Holy Trinity, our dear friend Fr. Aris Metrakos, gave […]
Greek Orthodox Fr. Aris Metrakos to Give Invocation at Walk for Life!
This year, the Walk for Life West Coast is honored by the presence of Father Aris P. Metrakos. Fr. Metrakos, the proto-presbyter of San Francisco’s Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, will give the invocation. He said: “I was greatly humbled and honored to receive this invitation. I have the greatest admiration and respect for all […]