Joe Scheidler Goes Home
Joe Scheidler, the Godfather of the American pro-life movement, went home to the Lord today. He was 92. His accomplishments, and what he meant to generations of pro-lifers, are too numerous to even approximate. In 2018, we were inexpressibly honored to have “Grandpa Joe” accept the Walk for Life West Coast’s St. Gianna Molla Award […]
March for Life Chicago TODAY!
Our brothers and sisters in Chicago will be marching for the littlest among us at the March For Life Chicago in less than two hours! Bless them! Last night, our own co-chair Eva Muntean was invited to join a discussion at the March’s annul Rose Dinner. Here she is with Dawn Fitzpatrick (left), President of […]
Archpriest John Kowalczyk: ‘What is the purpose? To become a visible presence.’
Last year, both the Walk for Life West Coast and the March for Life in Washington D.C. were blessed to have the opening Invocations given by members of the Orthodox Christian clergy. (Ours was a beautiful and holy and compassionate one by His Eminence the Most Reverend Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the West […]
Fr. Josiah Trenham: ‘Basic discipleship and its response to abortion’ #walkforlifewc
OK, this is a must see! Extremely thoughtful, challenging, and sometimes funny! Go here. The wonderful Orthodox Father Josiah Trenham gave an equally wonderful talk to the group of Orthodox pilgrims from Southern California he led to this year’s Walk for Life West Coast. Father is second from left, below, and there’s also a couple […]
为生命奔走5万人旧金山反堕胎游行 #walkforlifewc
Walk for Life West Coast on NTDTV! Nice story and video from New Tang Dynasty TV! Our Asian-American pro-lifers, including old friend of the Walk Frank Lee, are interviewed. Article begins (English translation available): 【新唐人2018年01月30日讯】刚过去的周末(1月27日),5万多名来自加州各地的民众,聚集到旧金山 ,举行第14届〝 为生命奔走 〞(Walk for Life)集会游行活动,呼吁人们尊重生命,反对堕胎