“Estamos aquí para proclamar que el aborto perjudica a las mujeres” #walkforlifewc
Walk for Life West Coast in Heredia 24/7: Decenas de miles de personas participan en Walk for Life West Coast 1/29/2018 Colaboro: Kurt Bay / Heredia 24/7 Aproximadamente unos 1 50,000 activistas participaron en el evento en San Francisco que reflejaba la “Marcha por la Vida” celebrada el 19 de enero en la capital del país. […]
‘I am personally responsible for 75,000 abortions’
This year, one of our most talked-about speakers was Mrs. Terry Beatley of the Hosea Initiative, and those are the words of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, from his 2013 book The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind. Mrs. Beatley was very close to Dr. Nathanson, one […]
“You have to fight it day and night. This is something you never give up on.” #walkforlifewc
That’s what the 90 year old Joe Scheidler, this year’s winner of the Walk’s St Gianna Molla Award, told Dexter Duggan in a wide ranging article in The Wanderer. The article began: A veteran speaker at the Walk for Life West Coast here told tens of thousands of pro-lifers rallying under a bright blue sky […]
“Walter and Lori are the epitome of love” #walkforlifewc
Two great stories in the Oakland Catholic Voice about the Rev. Walter and Lori Hoye, and the StabdUp4Life Rally on Friday, January 26, the day before the Walk. Speakers exhort Oakland at pro-life rally By Michele Jurich Staff writer “We need public servants who know the difference between serving the public and killing the public,” […]
‘I could see solid people all the way to the Ferry Building’ #walkforlifewc
A Catholic blogger named Joseph Moore relates his experience at the Walk for Life West Coast: Let’s see: the walk came to a halt for a bit when we were 1.2 miles from the end. I could see solid people all the way to the to the Ferry Building. Did a quick estimate: the cross […]