The Babies Return!
Who could forget the greatest moment of last year’s Walk for Life West Coast, or any Walk for Life West Coast for that matter: the ascension to the stage of seven pregnant mom’s who then help microphones to their bellies so that the whole world could hear the heartbeats of their unborn babies? Well, four […]
“The Momentum is on Our Side”
Yes, it is! From Bay Area News GroupLEONARDO CASTAÑEDA: Thousands of pro-life activists converged in front of San Francisco’s City Hall on Saturday for the annual Walk for Life in a festive mood, the day after federal health officials declared illegal a California rule that requires private insurers to provide abortion coverage. The march, in its 16th […]
“Planned Parenthood” está gastando 45 millones de dólares. Puede usted pasar una tarde en la Caminata por la Vida de la Costa Oeste?
“Planned Parenthood” anunció la semana pasada que van a lanzar su campaña electoral más grande que nunca, y por eso que van a gastar 45 millones de dólares para elegir candidatos a favor de la aborto. “Planned Parenthood está determinado en arruinar recientes victorias del movimiento pro-vida e por eso se concentrará en estados donde […]
Planned Parenthood is Spending $45 Million. Can YOU Spend an Afternoon?
Planned Parenthood announced last week that they will be launching their biggest electoral campaign ever, as they are set to spend 45 million dollars to elect pro-abortion candidates. Focusing on various battleground states, Planned Parenthood is determined to undo recent pro-life victories. We can’t let that happen! Walk co-chair Eva Muntean says: “Planned Parenthood is […]
‘America Seemingly Can’t Get Away From Slavery’
Reverend Clenard Childress pulls no punches–not that he ever has! Great interview with Walk for Life West Coast co-chair Eva Muntean, and Walk speaker Rev. Clenard Childress at Live Action. Excerpt: “… I’ve also said that if abortion was not lucrative, it would not be legal. There are those that are engaged simply for the financial […]